(Welling. Kent)
07919 356980
Lesson Guide -
D minor ‘Southern Country / Blues’
Backing Track
TAB & ‘one to one’
tuition available
to members:
John’s notes;
I’ve arranged this 1 minute 17 sec D minor solo using the ‘A’,
‘E’, ‘D’ and ‘A’ minor shape triad chords and their scales. If
this is confusing to new members don’t worry just ask when
you next attend your lesson, and I’ll explain in more detail.
Basically, it’s the way professionals go about improvising
over a chord progression when they want to create a
meaningful melodic solo that serves the backing harmony /
This arrangement is packed full of useful phrases (licks) you
can use over any D minor chord progression. To use in a
different key just move them up or down the fret board to
suit your chosen key.
Why not test yourself and see what chord shape is being
used to create the licks (phrases)? A clue is the chord they
are being played over.
Gtr & Backing