(Welling. Kent)
07919 356980
Learn guitar with JE Music Learn Guitar with JE Music
Lesson Guide - Sentimiento
Backing Track
“Sentimiento” fingerstyle Rythm. Chords Am-G-F-E
“Sentimiento” Acoustic solo with backing. Great for practicing your timing, and melodic phrasing!
Any questions - just ask
“Sentimiento” Electric solo with backing. Great for practicing your timing, and melodic phrasing!
arranged and performed by J. Edwards
TAB & ‘one to one’ tuition available to members
(Welling. Kent)
07919 356980
Lesson Guide - Sentimiento
Backing Track
“Sentimiento” Acoustic solo with backing. Great for practicing your timing, and melodic phrasing!
Any questions - just ask
“Sentimiento” Electric solo with backing. Great for practicing your timing and melodic phrasing!
“Sentimiento” fingerstyle Rythm. Chords Am-G-F-E
arranged and performed by J. Edwards
J. Edwards - Guitar Instructor
TAB & ‘one to one’ tuition available to members: